Tuesday, February 27, 2007

YAY!!! I can finally blog again!!! (maybe I should have just used another com to blog I guess... but still...) Ok. Recent stuff that happened... recently... New laptop... Econs project (damn lame lah)... A few CAs (OMG i think my chinese will do better than my GP)... SJI people thinking of going out on sat... 1T27 thinking of going out on fri... Cornystoners going out on sun... SJAB thinking of doing something sometime soon... yeah... that SHOULD be all.
A lot of super lame stuff happened but unfortunately, I cannot remember most of them. The most vivid one was the time Man...dy asked Andrew "how long ur thing ar?"(She was talking about his part of the econs project) We then found out it was roughly 1m..(min) long LOL!! Man... are u sick... sigh... Lots of bridge and dai dee in class too.
I really haven't been doing much at all... really. Now student council interns also got nothing much left to do, used to be rather busy (I'm not complaining) though. What else to blog about... ooh... I got som... no... a lot of photos that I could use to blackmail bert and I will post them once I get the chance to compile them first. So be patient girls (including bert)... and Jia Yi. HAHAHAHA...
I hope our petition to stay as a class after second intake is approved. Those who are staying are staying mainly because of the class I think, no wait, I know.
Finally... umm... happy belated Valentine's/Friendship/Blood donation day and happy Chinese New Year to anyone who STILL reads my blog.
Hmmm...wow... yes I agree... (a 1T27 inside thingy)
Da Pink Hamster (i also dunno why) signing off...
wrote at
1:07 AM