Saturday, March 31, 2007
confused liao...hmmm...
hmm... about what u say?
student council OR science honours OR guitar club
2 maybe can lah but definitely cannot all 3. any advice? anyone?
i like sc, leadership positions always make me more enthu (although i always try to be enthu)as can be seen in sji. i might even do better academically WITH leadership positions cuz i will feel the need to justify me having such a position. PLUS, organising school activities will be fun, and being good for one's resume doesn't hurt. bad thing - a lot of time! and can i even get in?
i like guitar too cuz it somehow reminds me of legion. i like the guitar (interest!!). bad thing - syf once every 2 years and it is this year meaning i won't have anything much to show for 2 years since i am NOT in syf
i like the idea of science honours cuz i got a certain interest in some aspects of science. plus it will be good for my prospects and increases my chance of being able to get scholarships. mugging as a cca won't hurt either and would probably help me in academia. will definitely help me get nyaa gold. bad thing - supposed to hand in form yesterday...
so? any suggestions?
maybe prayer will help but i'm still open to any comments. that is if people still bother reading my retarded posts.
wrote at
2:13 AM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Hamster got a haircut :p

I feel so ego having a picture of myself on my blog... (make sense?nvm) Matthias and Hubert convinced me to try something different this time. And I finally did IT. (dun think sick guys and girls... especially the girls and one MAN in 14... so sick lor)Talk about peer pressure. No lah, actually been thinking about it for some time. Oh yeah, I think this is the first time I did not go to a barber. On less ego-ey stuff... first time I acutally got a warning for my school attire by a teacher lor. Damn funny, and a bit shocking too.
Hmmm... I still got lots of HW.
Oh yeah, Marcus b'day - 24th March , Xiang Fei - 22nd March, mine (being ego again) - 21st March. Quite fun lah, people using birthdays to waste time during lesson. The class sang for each period lol. Dinner with family that day and had a dinner with Legion ancient people at fish & co 2 days ago (friday). Once again Thanks guys (and gals) for everything.
Now that's done... BF2 (thanks Sim, Horse and Bird for that) or HW (thanks teachers)... which one now? hmmm...
wrote at
11:20 PM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Class Outing: ICE SKATING!!!!

Part I - First thing I said when I started to 'skate' - "OUCH!" I slipped and fell after my fifth 'step'. I must have caused an earthquake haha. Anyway, REWIND!!!! We were supposed to meet at Jurong East MRT at 9.30 sharp (rite...) As I expected... only Marie turned up early. The rest of us came late. I reached half hour late I think. We sat outside the control station and the four of us (martin, marie, jia yi, myself) just 'birdshitted' for a while. It was quite interesting actually. Other than Martin, the rest of us sat there thinking we were waiting for Mandy to appear... as it turns out... she was still snoring away. (jus a figure of speech, not really saying u snore... wait... do u? lol) Anyway... he told us after quite a while and went into Jurong Entertainment Centre to meet Marcus. A reallllllllyyyyy enthu christian was trying to convert him and so, we stood by the side waiting for that guy to finish talking to marcus. Oh yeah, on the way there, we called Man...dy a few times. We thought she picked up and slammed the phone down (curious since we called her handphone). I thought she was still trying to sleep or busy talking to someone else but as it turned out, she was bathing then... (che... thought she dao lor)(trying to make this post as long as possible so bear with it hehe)
Part II - Man-dy came soon after. Xiang Fei also came shortly after. (yay he got into CJC!!) Then we went ice skating. (it was already 11+ lol) Marcus and Xiang Fei went to play pool instead... class spirit lah... anyway... I was the only one there with no experience blading or skating as EVERYONE could tell. I felt so noob lol. Heck, it was fun anyways. I practically moved at a snail's pace... no wait... a snail could be said to be moving as fast as lightning compared to me. I was concentrating so much on the 'movement' that I perspired worse than when I had mass PE in CJC and THAT is saying a lot... sigh... I just realised that I'm so cold that even all the ice at ice palace still makes me feel hot... lol... oh yeah... let's seeeee... I believe I fell 2 or 3 times: first on my own, I brought down Marie (is it?) and Mandy on the second (during the choo choo train eheheh). I stopped after managing to go round the rink like 5 times without help. Took me a hell lot of time to do that so I beg whoever's reading this to NOT brush it off. *DPH pleading, looking very cute* haha.
Part III - waited for the rest to finish skating and joined our spectators who had finished pooling. I carried like 4 bags and 4 pairs of shoes all the way to the opposite side, I must have looked a bit crazy haha. Then Jethro arrived. Came so late because he woke up late because he slept at 3am in the morning because he went partying or something because it was the holidays because it says so in the calendar because the government made it so because blah blah... because God made it so. :).
Part IV - DONE with ice skating, I left with a slightly lighter wallet and a few bruises and of course with a smile... it was fun overall I guess.
Part V - No... I'm not done... if you managed to read all the way until here, you must have a hell lot of patience or you could be just like me... very bored and with nothing better to do after eating. Continuing (did i mispell it?)
Part VI - Ate lunch. Under Martin's ORDERS, we split up and went to buy our food. We were supposed to meet back at the lift to eat there but we ended getting chased away by security. Great idea dude... Then we moved slightly to the side and got chased away by a different security guard... we then moved to a secluded area near a staircase and ended getting chased away by the second security guard. If you're not confused... you were there,so dun ask. (i do not make sense...) We ended up eating at the food court.
Part VII - Played at the arcade for a while... then I had to leave. (I said bye lor clarisse, maybe you didn't hear lah). Mandy and Marie also left.
Part VIII - Boring... listening to music on the train back... the songs are stated in my previous post with the addition of a few linkin park and sherwood songs.
Part IX - You're crazy if you're still reading this but... I have crazy friends hehe. Dinner with family, 13 or 12 people. Then went to nearby park to play badminton with cousins and sis and mom. Came back... bathed... typing whatever I've typed so far and now a few pics from the outing... craps... (i dun know how to add it behind... if i'm not wrong it should be at the front of the post or something lah)
DPH aka JJ signing out...
wrote at
6:08 AM
blah blah blah
K... so many people seems so depressed these days... and i just so happen to be listening to a few songs, one of which has the perfect message for you people who are deppressed... ok... nvm... i just realised i misintepreted the song... heck... just for fun... so many '...' lol... wow... really nothing better to do man...
so here's the song... wait... heck... it's too long... nvm... cheer up whoever's depressed or upset... k?
k... so instead... here's a list of songs i'm listening to... enjoy... (enjoy what i also dun know)...
Tenacious D - Tribute
Take That - Shine
Muse - Starlight
Boys Like Girls - Five Minutes To Midnight
Katharine McPhee - Over It
Jackie Chan and Kim Hee-Seon - Mei Li De Shen Hua
Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
U2 & Green Day - The Saints Are Coming
The Killers - Read My Mind
Blue October - Into The Ocean
Thirteen Senses - Into The Fire
3 Doors Down - Away From The Sun
and a few others...
wrote at
5:56 AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Orientation 02 2007 - Remix and March Holidays
Orientation 2 was rather short I guess, only 4 days instead of 6 like orientation 1. It had 6 houses instead of 4 though. The first day began with us checking out which IG we were in. I have to say that they really did a good job shuffling everyone about, I knew almost no one. Maybe Su Yi (scholar aka the piano girl), Elyssa from council internship, Bronson, Benson and Jonathan from SJI but that was it. Well... it was rather boring although I expected it to be more fun having been in CJC for 3 months already. I stoned mostly, waiting til the day we got our class posting.
Second day was slightly more fun... Police Academy!!! Which meant getting really dirty :p. Oh yeah, before that we had mass dance practice. I got called up on stage with a few others (I still haven't found out who "saboe'd" me...). Since the whole orientation was cut short, we had house night that day. Nothing much to say.
Third day can be said to be the highlight of orientation. We found out our class posting and we had some ice breakers. It was kind of amusing since OUR APPEAL GOT THROUGH!!! We got back our old class, just that we are now 1T14 instead of 1T27. We lost a few members but we now have some new faces. Not really new though, I already knew most of them before hehe. We also had CCA 'orientation'. I went for council. We prepare stuff for ROCKAFELLA 3!! It was really cool. Daniel played as part of Pen Ink Mutiny (they're on Youtube lol). Most of the bands were really good. There are too many interesting things to describe and so... I shall not bother. SOOORRRRRYYYY!! If you weren't there... you loser. Anyway, stayed back till 11 plus to help keep the chairs and equipment etc. Marie, too bad you weren't there :(
Fourth day... hasn't arrived yet lol. It should be dragon boating if I'm not wrong. YAY it's with the class. Oh yeah, our class cheer - "ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT, GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM, WHEN YOU SEE T14, DON'T FORGET TO SCREAM AHHH!!!(girly scream)"
Now, that's about it for orientation. As for the March holidays... I shall mug (rite...), go out with friends, have a tooth extracted (i hate needles as my sis will gladly tell any of you), visit legionaries and sjabbers, sleep and eat.
BTW, I'm bored... my stupid ps2 controller's spoilt... sigh...
DPH logging out...
wrote at
4:51 AM