Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Birthdays are fun

haha... started out a bad day...
woke up late... got to school at 7.30am... found out that we were doing that stupid skit in front of assembly to advertise for stupid healthy lifestyle week... then got asked by the 2 teachers in charge of the Temasek Seminar thingy (5 of us chosen) to go for interview later in the day which was directly after a physics test which i completely screwed up...
other than that, the rest of the day wasn't too bad... mainly cuz it was one of the rare days with no chinese period. oh yeah, chem test - obviously failed lah (17/40 - not bad leh) but slightly consoled by the fact that our class had only 2 passes and there were less than 20 passes across the level. Champion right?
interview was fine, i think that was my best interview ever which is slightly ironic as i didn't exactly want to be the coordinator for the temasek seminar thingy (biting off more than i can chew i suppose.)
Went for the Ascension mass prep thingy, after that, we headed to the guitar room where Ms Teh was jus about to release the rest. It was kinda hilarious.
Oh yeah, have to go to school by 6.45 tmr for mass...
Then went to matt's class, play bridge with cards made from chalk and black paper (done by Liselle and Clarabelle i think) while waiting for Anthea to finish a KI exam (so early!!!) Then we went to MadJacks for dinner together, kinda celebrate the fact that our whole campaigning group got into council... then again, 80% of those running got in. Some photos, lame conversations and then matt and i went to get some 'important' stuff. read on if u wanna know what these important stuff's for. (be4 i forget, we got our class shirt today :) )
We went to NTUC since all the other shops were closed. We got a "On Your Wedding Day..." Card, some candles, matches and a Sara Lee Blueberry Cake. We dragged our guitars the whole way. We went outside, decorated the card, wrote some interesting stuff (rite qinrui?), put the candles on the cake (the box actually), lit them up (a whole lot of them), called qinrui and asked him to come out of his house. There, i played the guitar (the HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG - which we jus learnt :) ) while Matto sand (yes he really did... lucky neighbours didn't complain) and we surprised seet. :) that was damn fun. While we were lighting the candles earlier on, people passed by and stared at us, they must have thought we were druggies or sumthing lol.
Came back home and now... about to finish up our GPP thingy. Be4 i go, some pics.
wrote at
7:49 AM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Fine... I realise I haven't been posting lately. I guess it's just so sian... Anyway, I said I was going to blog about certain things and that I shall.
Hmm... Joel's (aka DH) birthday. We went to Suntec to eat... because of SOMEONE... who just wanted to spend more time OUT of the house... with his phone... From Plaza Sing to Suntec, damn stupid lah, in the end we eat at Fish & Co, Macs and KFC which Plaza Sing ALSO has...
Matthias is crazy... for those who dun know mat, he's also known as German... now... you should have heard of him. Anyway, he's like a bottomless pit. He CAN EAT!! He ate salad and fish & chips at fish & co. (that is already extremely filling btw) Then he decided that he was still hungry and we went to KFC. He ate the new cheese thingy meal thingy AND the oriental chicken salad. That was course 2 and 3. Then we decided to go to BK for more but since it was closed, we went to Macs. Joel said he'll sponsor the 4th course and i offered to sponsor 5th and 6th. We didn't know he would actually take up the offer. 4th course was a BIG Mac. 5th and 6th were both double cheese burgers. Oh yeah, he also ate half my ice cream sundae cuz i couldn't finish it. I couldn't finish my ice cream and he managed to eat all that and still NOT be not hungry.
Last friday, legion gang went out to celebrate some b'days. Fun of course, but i won't elaborate.
Oh yeah... I almost forgot... campaigning period is just over. For those who still dun know... I AM RUNNING FOR Student Council Catholic Activities Wing. VOTE FOR ME OK?!?! That is if you think I should be in it. That's up for debate. But anyway... I'm campaigning with Matthias (T15), Liselle (T15)and Piong (T08). We also attended a nominees camp. It was quite fun but nothing much to talk about except that i was freaking worried bout my interview. I think i strayed off 4 different questions lol. A bit funny come to think of it.
Anyway... I NEED YOUR Votes!!! We're (Colour)ific! So what are you (white)ing for? (orange) you gonna vote for us? come on, dun be a (beige) and vote for us! (yellow)? You there? (Gold) and vote for us. Seriously, we're (gray)t!!!Guitar... i just got a C-80. My old guitar was too hard to play, the strings were too high from the board.
Right now... I'm trying to learn a number of songs on the guitar...
1. You & Me
2. Faraway
3. If Everyone Cared
4. Hero
5. Penny & Me
6. When The Stars Go Blue
7. Collide
8. I'm Still Here
9. Iris
10. Wordplay
11. Adrienne
12. Our Lives
13. Does Anybody Hear Her
14. Praise You In This Storm
15. Leaving On A Jetplane
hmm... just to name a few... yup
i think i need to finish my PI draft. let's see... lot's of maths hw... chem tut... chinese test (confirm die one)... chem test next week... voting for council!!!!!!
hmm yeah... btw... gossiping is become damn sian liao... must go find something more interesting to do...
wrote at
1:41 AM