Saturday, July 26, 2008
LONG overdue
My sincerest apologies to those who do visit my blog once in a while for the lack of updates. Yeah. Cuz i
know you guys just love to visit my blog to destress. hehe.
Anyway, i'm gonna spam some photos, at least those not similar to those on the class blog. lol. There are more pictures than words on the class blog. We're such a cam****ing class. (**** does not mean f*** but rather ****, lol... u know ***** but only got 4* since there's a -ing at the back... know wat i mean?!? lol... LOL)
Oh yeah, i now speak to you as a 'commoner', not that being a councillor made us higher than the rest (in fact, it made us lower! tt's wat so cool bout it!) I use the word commoner cuz tt's wat a few ppl have called the ex-councillors. I'm fine though although i'll miss everything bout council, even the 'saikang', cuz my sis has taken my place in council! Cool right!?!? I dun have the pics for the Council Installation (they're with my sis).
And even further back in time, we had our unofficial handing over to the juniors. LOL, my gift to Michelle was a cactus that couldn't stand upright lol.
We ended JC2 retreat yesterday. It was definitely more fun and meaningful than last year's retreat. Loved it and kudos to all who helped plan it and the facils who came down to help again and again. I wanted to say Catholic Retreat but... it was more of Religion Retreat. Dzul came to join us!! haha that was some cool shi*. i REMEMBERED everyone in my group hehe - Ian, Tim C., Alston, Christopher, Beverly, Christiana, Yahui, Audrey and Rhian! (lol she 3rd time in my grp!! so cool right?) And of course our facil Jeanette.
Hmm... other notable stuff:
1. Guitar concert (forgot the latin name Laboris Amore or Labore Amoris or sumthing lol)(Start by Depepe is so darn cool, check youtube vid)
2. Some SGSS Band/Choral Concert michelle and i went for
3. $120 haagen daaz voucher cuz the class won 2nd prize for Racial Harmony Day competition
4. Didn't go the last blue moo which was apparently really good
5. Alfresco!! Lis, Derk and I performed!! Beautiful Girl/Stand by Me and Clouds!! Guitar Hero SUPER FUN!
6. Found out Simeon can play Cliffs Of Dover OMG lol. So cool.
7. Not very good MYE results... my first S in 2 years for any subject...
8. Crazily good results for MYE... for my sis. She's on the Honour Roll!! Go see! Disgusting. Her UES score is higher than mine!! 71/80!!! i only got 65/90!! Mine's over 90 cuz of PW. SHI* she beat me even with one sub less LOL. ANyway, nice work Grace, give u chance hehe.
9. SGC completed.
10. Scholarship talk (i tagged along with Martin)
11. Thinking of Teaching. YES. Teaching. Perhaps that's y i always liked this verse... "Those who instruct others unto justice shall shine like the stars for all eternity" from the book of Daniel.
12. Taking a really long time to upload the pics...
13. Letting u guys 'enjoy' the pics lol...

wrote at
11:22 PM